Cold season lays down the rules, but housebuilding activities have continued unabated even at low temperatures. “Kovalska” group offers winter and cold resistant types of concrete as replacement for summer types. Reliability of winter and cold resistant types of concrete was time-tested on hundreds of construction sites.

Experts of innovational and technological center of industrial and constructional group “Kovalska” explained differences between these types of concrete and provided details about circumstances when and which type of concrete should be used.

Summer types of concrete are produced with application of plasticizing agents (compressive strength class at the range of B7.5 up to B15) and superplasticizing agents (compressive strength class at the range of B20 and higher). Such types of concrete generally are used during warm period of the year if average daily temperature is higher than + 5°С. But application of these types of concrete is also possible during autumn and winter period for following purposes:

  • warmth-keeping of open surfaces of concrete and warmth-keeping of shuttering;
  • performing of works in special constructions that are covered by frost protection materials and warm air flow is supplied under these materials;
  • performing of indoor works;
  • performing of works regarding underground concrete casting (stilts, tunnels etc.).

Such special aspects are usually mentioned in projects or in method statements for exact types of works.

Winter types of concrete (З) differ from summer ones by additional input of antifreezing agents in order to ensure:

  • increasing of effectiveness of electric curing of concrete (electrode type or by heating cable) in the coolest zones with temperature up to + 2°С;
  • possibility to begin curing of concrete in heat insulating shuttering in case if temperature of concrete will decrease to + 2°С.

Cold resistant types of concrete (M5, M10 and M15) differ from summer types by input of antifreezing agents in order to ensure solidification of concrete in the freezing temperatures without heating curing of concrete (according to DSTU B V.2.7 – 171 on day 28 compressive breaking strength of concrete should equal or higher than 30% of design strength) upon condition of concrete protection against heat and humidity leakages (ablation) and protection against precipitations. It is recommended to use electric curing of construction in order to achieve higher early strength. These types of concrete could be used at minimal ambient temperatures which are mentioned below:

  • M5 type of concrete could be used at temperature which is not below -5°С;
  • M10 and M15 types of concrete could be used at temperature which is not below -15°С;

In order to understand which mark of concrete (З, М5, М10 or М15) should be ordered it is recommended to take into consideration weather forecast for one month in advance. If decreasing of temperature is forecasted, it is recommended to take actions regarding additional warmth-keeping and heating of concrete.

You can charge winter and cold resistant types of concrete by calling to sales departments of companies, which belong to “Kovalska” Industrial and construction group.


Press office of “Kovalska” Industrial and construction group.

Phone/ fax: (044) 591-70-44